Parsha Post: Eikev

This week’s parsha is called Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) and talks about the law and the benefits of following God’s commmandments. Junior Campers will notice that right in the middle of this parsha is our memory verse:

Deuteronomy 10:12-17;20-22

And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God as of you but to fear the Lord your God to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good? To the Lord your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. Yet, the Lord set his affections on your forefathers and loved them and he chose you, their descendants, as it is today. Circumcise your hearts therefore, and do not be stiff necked any longer. For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords: the great God mighty and awesome who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. Fear the Lord your God and serve him, hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. He is your praise, he is your God who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. Your forefathers who went down into Egypt were seventy in all and now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Campers, say these verses again. Check and see if you still know them or what parts you have gotten rusty on. Parents, ask your campers what these verses mean. Talk about them as a family. These are a great jumping off point to talk about the goodness of God and the endurance of his promises.They also talk about our response to these things. Our hearts are to be new and they are to be soft towards God. The words of the Sh’ma and V’havta (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) are in last week’s parsha and they instruct us to keep God’s words on our hearts, in our conversations in our homes, and with us as we walk through our days. Talk about God’s word with your parents (or with your kids) and fulfill the words of the V’havta. Impress God’s words on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the road.

2 Corinthians 9

What is the big idea of this chapter in 1-2 sentences?

Verses 1-5: The Corinthians are called out (positively) for being eager to help. What are ways that this can be demonstrated?

Who are people that you are eager to help? Who are people who are eager to help you? Why is this important?

How can you be one of those ‘eager to help’ people for someone unexpected this week?

What are things that you have been called out/noticed for? What would you like to be called out/noticed for?

Look at verse 5. How can a gift be grudgingly given? How does this change the gift or how it is given/received?

Verses 6-15: What does it communicate that we believe about God’s goodness and generosity when we are stingy or slow to share? Is this something that you think the Bible encourages or endorses (give proof if it is)?

We can be generous because God has been generous with us. What are things that God has given (either to people generally or to you specifically)? What is/what should be our response to generosity like this?

In what areas of your life do you need to ask God to make you more generous?

In verse 15 what do you think that the indescribable gift is?

Think about the best gift that you have ever received. Why was it the best? Who gave it to you? How did you feel? Now think about God’s gifts to us. How do they compare? How are they the same/how are they different? Take some time and reflect and journal about God’s great gifts to us and how your life can be lived this week as a better response to God’s great gifts to you.

2 Corinthians 8

What would you say the big idea is in 1-2 sentences?

Verses 1-15: this is a larger chunk, but the verses are related to one another. What is Paul talking to them about and encouraging them to demonstrate?

Why is generosity important? How does Paul explain the generosity of Y’shua?
What are things that you can be generous with that aren’t money? When are times where it is easy to be generous? When are times where it is hard?

In verses 16- 24 one of the things that Paul talks about is proving to the Corinthians that Titus is trustworthy of being the messenger that carries the gift. What does it mean to be found trustworthy?

What are areas of your life where you know that you are trustworthy? How do you know?

Are the areas where you struggle to be visibly trustworthy? How can you go out of your way to be found trustworthy in these areas?

Paul ends this chapter talking about the Corinthians proving their love in a way that others can see. What does this look like? Can you think of a time where you’ve seen someone prove their love to you? Maybe it was a small thing that you don’t even remember (your parents changed a lot of diapers!) or maybe it was a big thing. Take some time and journal about it and how it affected you, then take some time and write about how you could show the love of Y’shua to someone in your life this week. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing, but it might be a huge thing to someone else.

2 Corinthians 7

2 Corinthians 7
What would you say that the big idea of this chapter is in 1-2 sentences?
Verse 1: Paul says, “since we have these promises”—what are the promises? What does he say that we should do as a result?

From the same verse, why should we choose holiness? What is reverence? How do you show it towards God?

Verses 2-7: What does it look like to make room in your heart for someone? Who is someone that you need to make room in your heart for?

Look especially at verse 4: who are people that are an encouragement to you? In what ways are you/ can you be an encouragement to others?

In verses 6 & 7 Paul talks about comfort again. In what ways are they comforted? What are places in your life that you need comfort in this way?

Verses 8-16: what does it mean for sorrow to lead to repentance? Have you ever experienced this in your life?

Think about the before and after: what changed? What value does obedience have ( in the lives of the Corinthians) ( in your life)?

What are things that you have complete confidence in? How would you explain the confidence that Paul can take in the Corinthians?

Paul wants the Corinthians to make room in their hearts for him, but really he is looking for a greater openness in them to God and God’s direction. How would you explain/describe the percentage of your heart/life that are open to God’s direction and correction? Make a graph, draw a picture, write a paragraph—whatever will help you to explain the areas of your life where you let God have control and the areas that you hold onto yourself. Use the space below for this. Take a look at it. Is this something that you are ok/comfortable with? What is one step that you can take to be more open to God and his ways?

2 Corinthians 6

2 Corinthians 6
What would you say the big idea is of this chapter in 1-2 sentences?

Verse 1: What is the work that they are God’s fellow workers in?

Receiving a gift in vain is like getting a new bike and then just leaving it in your garage or apartment. You have it…so what. With this in mind, what would it look like to receive God’s grace in vain? Are there ways that you’ve already received it in vain?

Verse 2: Paul says “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. ” What does God’s favor look like? Why is it important/necessary? If today is the day of salvation what should we do with that information?

Verses 3-13: (Look up commend if you don’t know what it means) What are the things that Paul uses to commend himself to the Corinthians? Which of these are things you would want to be true about yourself? Which of these things are true about yourself?

Verses 14-18: What are things that are yoked together? (google image search oxen if you need an idea). Why would it be a problem to be yoked together with someone who wasn’t a believer? Paul talks about believers and unbelievers by comparing things like righteousness and wickedness; light and darkness, Jesus and Belial; the temple of God and idols. Why is the difference important?

Look carefully at verses 16-18. God says he will live and walk among us, therefore: (fill in the things verses 17-18 say we need to do).

Ok, so now is the day of God’s favor and salvation and we aren’t supposed to be yoked with people who aren’t following after God. Knowing that these things are true, what are some action steps that the chapter might suggest? Take some time and journal today asking God to show you how he might be asking you to change your life to make more space for him.