WWW Recap!

I don’t know about all of the campers or the rest of the staff, but I had a GREAT time at WWW 2014! We studied Psalm 40 in our morning lessons and then our memory verse was Psalm 40:1-3. The Junior Campers looked at God rescuing people in the Bible during times of trouble and also looked at different ways that we can worship God from the Bible. The Teens also looked at Psalm 40– they talked about attributes of God and reasons that he is praiseworthy and the second day they shared times where they had struggled to see or feel God’s presence and shared what to do in the midst of trouble. The oldest teens spent time looking at the text “inductively” by observing things in the text, asking questions, and finding their own applications in King David’s words.
WWW 19

On Friday we had our opening ceremonies for the first Camp Gilgal Wonderful Winter Weekend 2014 Winter Olympic Games (the name is long, but that is what I(Sox) kept calling it!) Each team got to know their members and made country names and team flags. On Saturday we had our Olympic Games which I think proved to be a successful color war experience. We had fencing, jump roping, several kinds of dodgeball, and mascot making.


In the midst of these things we also gathered for tabernacle for an erev Shabbat (Friday evening), Shabbat (Saturday morning), and Havdalah (Saturday evening) services with some liturgy and a devotion. We learned the Kiddush blessings in Hebrew, ate meals together, watched a movie, had cabin clean up time, Tribe Time, and even some FOB (flat on bunk nap/quiet time). This was a great Wonderful Winter Weekend! Check out the Camp Gilgal East Facebook page for more stories, and maybe these initial details will give you some questions to ask your camper so you can hear even more about our time together! DSC_0622

Wonderful Winter Weekend 2014 First Look at Photos

If you haven’t added the Camp Gilgal East page on Flickr to see the photos, we still want to give you a few glimpses at all of the fun we had! Stories and a recap will come tomorrow!

So much love on the Black Team!
So much love on the Black Team!
The green team hanging out!
The green team hanging out!
The Tribe of Simeon talks about worship!
The Tribe of Simeon talks about worship!
Thanks for leading us in Havdalah, Monkey!
Thanks for leading us in Havdalah, Monkey!